Well I was going to try to post about all the things I've missed. But hello that would take forever. So just to highlight- my best friend Betsy Broshar got married in June she is now Betsy Pollastrini..yay! It was a blast! We also went to Indiana to see Jake come home and celebrate Rachel graduating! Overall it was a fabulous summer. Maybe later I'll post some pictures but it's already November so I wouldn't count on it:) Just being honest! Anyway so I'll just post about what's coming up!
We've been having people ask us what we're going to do in the next few months and it seems to be getting confused so I'm posting to clear the air!:) Next week we are going to UTAH! for Thanksgiving!:) YAYY!! We're so excited to go there and have family around for the Holiday and have our last hoorah in Utah. Sad but true and we want to spend as much time with the family as possible!
We're going to have LOTS of family to see- my brother Adam, my sis-in-law Stephanie and my nephew Jack are there for a little while and I'm suuuuper excited to see them. I swear Jack grows an inch every day! He's such a little boy now and not a baby anymore which is sad but also very exciting! We're also going to stay with Seth and Megan and play with Scarlett! Davin and Aubrey and Preston will be there with Sandy and Steve and Sarah and we can't forget Rachel!!! and Dave:) I speak for myself but I'm sure Todd feels the same I am SOOOOOO excited to spend time with the family!!
After Thanksgiving Todd will have finals soon after and I will start PACKING!! and packing and packing and packing. It's going to become my favorite past time..not. And the reason we're packing is because Todd is GRADUATING! yee haw:) well sort of. He's going to be walking December 16th with a Bachelors in Communications. He'll officially be graduated after his internship. Which brings us to the next order of business!
We're going to IOWA! We will head to Iowa after graduation and spend the holidays with family and then my parents have rented a condo in Ft. Walton Beach Florida for 2 weeks in January and obviously we are going with them!:)So Todd will officially start his internship January 18th at Mudd Advertising:) He'll intern for about a month or 5 weeks and then hopefully we'll find a great job somewhere fun!
Lots of things coming up! Right now we're just kind of playing the hurry up and wait game which is annoying but it happens! So hopefully I'll be better at updating my blog when I get home and have a half decent computer to work with:) I'll post pictures as soon as I have anything fun!:)